3/10 おやちゅみの時間だよ

F: It's time for beddy-bye.
D: One more round,pretty please?
F: Okay,one more.that's it.
D: Oh,goodie!How about two?
F: It's a school night,remember?
D: Oh,come to think of it...
I have a geobraphy test tomorrow.
F: Why wasn't I informed of this?
D: It slipped my mind.
F: Okay,one more round.Then it's time to hit the books.

*** Words & Expressions***
□time for... …の時間ですよ
□beddy-bye おやちゅみ、おねんね
□One more round もう一回
□pretty please 一生のお願い、ねぇいいでしょう?
□That's it. それで終わりです
□Goodie やったあ、うれしい
□school night 明日学校のある夜
□Come to think of it... そいえば…デス
□It slipped my mind うっかりしていまシタ
□hit the books 猛勉強する
3/9 これ以上は続きそうに無いです

R: We haven't gone over our psych notes,Cathy.
C: I'm afraid I've run out of steam,Rick.
R: How about another cup of coffee?
C: No,thanks,I have the coffee jitters.
R: Let's take a walk. You'll get a second wind.
C: Actually,I'm ready to call it a night.
R: Sure,go home and get some sleep.
C: Then I'll see you tomorrow,bright and early!

*** Words & Expressions***
□cram session  詰め込み勉強
□go over...  ・・・を読み返す
□run out of steam  これ以上続かない へとへとになる
□have the coffee jitters  コーヒー飲みすぎで舌がびりびりに
□get a second wind  元気を取戻す
□call it a night  今夜はこれで終わりにする
□bright and early  早朝に

3/8 今夜はみんなに会えてよかったわ!

F: Everyone, listen up! I'm heading home. Does anyone need a lift?
D: Keep the party going!
F: Dean,you're always the life of the party!
B: It was good seeing everyone tonight! Unfortunately,
I have an early day tomorrow.
F: Hey guys,let's help out Beth and clean up these cups and plates.
D: All right.Thanks for everything,Beth. It was great fun.

*** Words & Expressions***
□Listen up! よく聞いてくれ!
□I'm heading home. 家に帰ります
□need a lift 車に乗せてもらいたい
□the life of the party 座を盛り上げる人
□It was good seeing everyone! みんなに会えてよかった
□have an early day 朝がはやい
□Hey guys. ねえ、みんな
□help out... ...を助ける
□clean up cups and plates カップや皿を洗う

3/7 お茶しながら近況をはなせてよかった

M: Oh my, look at the time!
F: Time flies when you're having fun.
M: Right on!
F: Let's get together again sometime.
M: Okay.I'll be in touch.It was nice catching up over coffee.
F: Yes,we have to do it again.
M: Well,I'd better be on my way.
F: Me,too.Don't be a stranger.
M: I won't.Take care.

*** Words & Expressions***
□Oh,my あれ、なんと
□Look at the time  こんな時間だ!
□Time flies when you're having fun 楽しいときの時間はすぐ過ぎる
□I'll be in touch  連絡します
□catch up  近況を語る
□over coffee  コーヒーを飲みながら
□I'd better be on my way  この辺で行かないと
□Don't be a stranger  また近いうちに

3/2 みんな、騒がないで!

T: It's time to put away everything.
J: Can I get my snack?
T: No.
J: I'm Superman.
T: Joel! No running in the classroom!
J: Whee!
T: Everyone line up in single file for recess.
J: Andrew took my place!
A: Hey,don't shove me!
T: Joel,you're getting a time-out.
J: I promise I'll be good.
T: This is your last chance! Everyone settle down!

*** Words & Expressions***
□ put away... …を片付ける
□ line up 並ぶ
□ in single file 一列縦隊に
□ recess 休み時間
□ take one's place …の場所を取ってしまう
□ Don't Shove me!  押すな!
□ settle down 落ち着く

R: So Sam-Me,I heard that your marriage is on the rocks.
S: There's not a grain of truth to that.
R: That's what my sources say.
S: Well,Angie and I are still going strong.
Shall we change the subject?
R: Come on,Sam-Me,let us in on what's really going on. You
and Angie have separated,right?
S: I have no further comment.

*** Words & Expressions***
□ celebrity 有名人
□ let A in on B AにBを打ち明ける
□ what's really going on 実情
□ have no further comment これ以上コメントなし

R: How's it going,Ako?
A: Bussiness has been slow.
R: Tell you what.I'll take over from here.
A: Okay.Would you like me to make another batch of
cookies before I leave?
R: No, don't bother. You can run along.The night is still young.
Go have some fun.
A: Gee,thanks,Mr Reese!
R: Enjoy the rest of your Friday.
A: I will!

*** Words & Expressions***
□ slow day (商売などが)パッとしない日
□ take over 引き継ぐ
□ You can run along. 帰っていいですよ
□ The night is still young 夜はまだ始まったばかり
□ go have some fun 遊びに行く
□ Enjoy the rest of... ...の残りを楽しんで

T: Stella,is that you?
S: Terry! How nice to see you.
T: That's a huge rock on your finger!
S: Jim finally popped the questions!
T: That's news to me.
S: It's going to be a June wedding.
T: Well,I wish you two every happiness.
S: Thanks.How's Cindy?
T: Oh.we're happily divorced.

*** Words & Expressions***
□ happily ever after  いつまでも幸せに(御伽話の最後の決まり文句)
□ How nice to see you  (ややフォーマルに)会えてうれしいです
□ I wish you two every happiness. お二人お幸せに.

W: Don't change the channel.Eligible Bachelor is on next.
H: I had my heart set on watching Spelunking.
W: That's a rerun. Besides,Nick is going to ask Jamie
for her hand in marriage.
H: Didn't he already pop the questions?
W: That was when he and Tina got engaged.
H: What happende to them?
W: Tina got cold feet and broke it off.
H: Oh,brother!

*** Words & Expressions***

□ eligible bachelor  結婚願望のある独身男性
□ ...is on next    次に来るのは...です
□ have one's heart set on ...ing   ...しようと心に決める
□ ask...for her hand in marrige  ...に結婚を申し込む
□ pop the question  プロポーズする
□ get cold feet  二の足を踏む
□ break it off  それを解消する
□ Oh,brother!  やれやれ、なんてことを!

*** Apply It ***
Tina got cold feet and broke it off.

A: Last week Takashi and Takako got engaged.
B: Then they got married?
A: No,Takako got cold feet and broke it off.
B: Oh,brother!
G: Charlie saw me dancing with Brian!
F: Why were you dancing with Brian of all people?
G: I wasn't thinking straight.Now Charlie is giving me the
cold shoulder.
F: That's because you're giving him mixed signals.
G: Could you talk to Charlie for me?
F: You two have to work this out.
G: Okay,I 'll text him.
F: That's one way to do it.

*** Words & Expressions***

□ of all people  よりによって、 人・事もあろうに
□ give ... the cold shoulder ...によそよそしくする、冷たくする
□ work...out ...を解決する


A: Grace,your phone was ringing so I picked it up.It was your ex,Joe.
G: That was Joe Harris, my hairdresser!
A: Oh,that Joe! That explains it all!
G: Are you trying to stir up trouble?
A: No.I just don't know where I stand with you.
G: Akio,you're the only one for me.
A: Honestly?
G: I adore you.

*** Words & Expressions***
□ pick it up= pick up the phone 電話に出る
□ ex 前の、元の
□ stir up trouble トラブルを引き起こす
□I adore you あなたが大好きです

*** Apply It ***
You're the only one for me.

A: I just dont know where I stand with her.
B: Youre the only one for her.
A: Honestly?
B: She adores you.

M: It's just like old times being here with you.I missed you.
F: You left me without warning!I was so hurt.
M: I was afraid of love. Actually,I never got over you.
F: You're such a sweet talker!
M: Please give me another chance;I'm a changed man now.
F: Time will tell.
M: I'll make it up to you.You'll see.

*** Words & Expressions***
□ reunite 仲直りする
□ without warning  なんの警告もなく
□ get over... ...をあきらめる、忘れる
□ be a changed man 生まれ変わっています
□ make it up to...  ...に埋め合わせする

J: Vanessa,what happened to Yuri and Harry?
V: They got into an argument.Yuri is in the bathroom crying.
Harry is nowhere to be seen.
J: Again? Those two fight like cats and dogs.
V: They're better off apart. Harry is too controlling.
J: Let's not get in the middle of it.  Here they come.
V: They're holding hands!
J: All's well that ends well.

*** Words & Expressions***
□ get in the middle of it それに深くかかわる
□ All's well that ends well. 終わりよければすべてよし
I: Lydia,you're unusually quiet today.What's on your mind?
L: There's this cute French boy in my psychology class.
I can't get him out of my head!
I: You're lovesick
L: Yes!
I: Say something in French to him.He'll dig that.
L: Oh,speak of the devil!
I: Now's your chance!
L: I don't have the guts.
I: It's now or never!
L: Okay.Bonjour!

*** Words & Expressions***
□confidant 恋愛の相談役の友
□can't get A out of my head  Aのことが頭から離れない
□dig  気に入る
□Speak of the devil! 噂をすれば!
□It's now or never いまこそチャンスだ!

P: You have a secret admirer,Valerie!
V: Really?
P: Someone left flowers on your doorstep.
Read the message.
V: "My heart is ever at your service.W.S."
P: It sounds like he's smitten! Who is W.S?
V: William Shakespeare! Ou,you got me,Paul!
P: Will you be my Valentine?
V: I will. Will you be mine?
P: Yes.You're my world!

*** Words & Expressions***
□secret admirer 隠れファン 片思いの人
□be smitten  ボーっとなっている、参っている
□you got me! やられた!一杯喰わされた!

D: How are you doing with your science project?
A: It's coming along.Brent has been helping me.
D: Speaking of Brent...is there something going on between you two?
A: No! we're just friends.
D: Well,I think he's falling for you.
A: What makes you say that,Dennis?
D: Because he can't take his eyes off you.
A: Really?
D: Oh,yes,He's totally into you,Asako!

*** Words & Expressions***
□budding romance  ロマンスの芽生え
□It's coming along  順調でーす。
□Speaking of A  Aといえば..
□something going on between A  Aの間に何か起こっている
□fall for A Aが好きになる  
□can't take one's eyes off...  ...に思わず見入ってしまう
□be totally into A  Aにすっかりのめり込んでいる

Looking Back

A : Years ago, this parking lot was a pasture. I used to pick daisies here.
B : Here? Really?
A : Your great-grandpa let his horses graze here.
  Every once in a while we took them out for a ride.
B : How times have changed!
A : Isn't that the truth?
B : Is your home still standing?
A : That was torn down long before your time.

*** Words & Expressions***

*** Apply It ***
That was torn down long before your time.

A : How times have changed!
B : Isn't that the truth?
A : Is your home still standing?
B : That was washed away by the floods long before your time.
A : Wow.


M: Remember the time we sneaked into that abandoned barn?
F: How could I forget? I walked into that huge spider web!
M: That was ages ago! How old were we?
F: Around nine or ten.
M: What were we thinking? We could habe gotten into
   big trouble for trespassing!
F: My dad found out about it and grounded me.
M: I didnt know that!

*** Words & Expressions***
□ sneak into... ・・・に不法侵入する
□ abondoned barn 使われていない納屋
□ get into... ・・・に巻き込まれる
□ trespass 不法侵入
□ ground... ・・・を外出禁止にする(子供に)

*** Apply It ***
How could I forget? 忘れられません

A: Remember the time we got lost in the woodS?
B: How could I forget?
A: That was ages ago! How old were we?
B:Around five or six.

1/18 厳しい時代でした

GF: Times were hard.At times,we went to bed hungry.
GD: How did your family survive,Grandpa?
GF: We all worked.I god my first job husking corn when I was eight.
GD: It must have been tough on you. What did you do for fun?
GF: Back then we made our own toys.
GD: I can't imagine!
GF: Well,those were simpler days.

*** Words & Expressions***
□ at times 時には
□ husk corn トウモロコシの外皮を剥く
□ tough on... ・・・にとってつらい
□ back then 当時は

*** Apply It ***
Times were hard. 厳しい時代でした

A: Times were hard.At times,there was no food on the table.
B: How did your family survive?
A: We all worked.
B: It must have been tough on you.

J: Key,it's been 30 years since we lived in Tokyo.
K: It seems like only yesterday.
J: That was a special time. We were young and foolish.
K: That we were.
J: I wish we could turn back time and relive our days together there.
K: Jack, would you ever consider going back to our old haunts?
J: I'd do it in a heartbeat.

□...'s haunts ...が昔よく言った場所
□in a heartbeat 今すぐにでも

*** Apply It ***
It seems only yesterday! つい昨日のようです!

A:It's been 20 years since we graduated from high school.
B:It seems only yesterday!
A:That was a special time.We were young and carefree.
B:That we were!


S: Vincent,do you have a minute?
V: Actually, you caught me at a bad time. I just got to the
spring collection by BJ Bone.
S: Okay,I'll make it quick.You got a call from ZZ Company.
V: Really? What did they want?
S: You left your briefcase at their office.
V: Oh, wow,Thanks. Tell them I'll swing by and pick it up.
S: Will do.

□absent-minded うっかりした、いつものうわのそらの
□swing by 立ち寄る

*** Apply It ***
Actually, you caught me at a bad time. それが今ちょっとまずいんです。

A:Do you have a minute?
B:Actualy,you caugt me at bad time. I'm getting on the subway.
A:Okay,I'll make it quick. You got a call from Ken,
B:Really? What did he want?
1/12 見向きもしてくれません

C:How is it going,Fuyuko?
F:I'd like to work more hours. I'm living from paycheck to paycheck.
C:I had the same problem. Speak to Diane about it.
F:Daiane? She won't give me the time of day!
C:Talk to her after hours.Once you get to know her,you'll like her.
F:I have to build up my courage first.
C: Just do it!

□live from paycheck to paycheck 給料ギリギリの生活をする
□not give A the time of day  Aに挨拶もしない 見向きもしない

*** Apply It ***
She won't give me the time of day! 彼女は見向きもしてくれません。

A:Speak to Darren about it.
B:Darren? He won't give me the time of day!
A:Talk to him after hours. Once you get to know him, you'll like him.
B:I have to build up my courage first.

1/11 時間があまりありません...

TL: How is the report coming along?
M: It's taking some time.
TL:Can you show me what you've got so far?
M: Actually,I haven't tallied the survey result yet.
TL:When do you expect to finish that?
M: I'm not all that sure.
TL:The clock is ticking. If you don't do your part, it'll make me look bad.
M: I'll get right on it.

□How is A coming along?
□make A look bad Aの顔をつぶす
□get right on it 今すぐ仕事にとりかかる

*** Apply It ***
The clock is ticking. 時間があまりありません.

A: When do you expect to finish the project?
B: I'm not all that sure.
A:The clock is ticking.
B: I'll expedite.
1/10 保養休暇はいつもらえるんですか?

W:Do you have time to talk?
H:Of course.
W:Ayumu took his first step!
H:Oh! I'm sorry I missed that!
W:When will you be able to get some R&R?
H:Not soon enough.I requested a day off for Ayumu's birthday.
W:We'll get to spend a long weekend together!
H:Yeah, it's about time.
W:See you then.
H:Bye, sweetie.

*** Apply It ***
When will you be able to get some R&R?

A:When will you be able to get some R&R?
B:Not soon enogh. I requested a day off for Friday.
A:You'll get to spend a long weekend.
B:Yeah,it's about time.

12/29 ラジオ英会話
After Helping with the Dishes

J : It was so nice of you to take the time to make this delicious meal for me, Olivia.
O : Glad you enjoyed it, Jiro.
J : Oh, look at the time. Time to hit the road.
O : So soon?
J : I'm afraid so. I have a big day tomorrow.
O : Here, take these leftovers.
J : That's too much.
O : Please. It'll just go to waste otherwise.
J : Thanks.

*** Apply It ***
It was so nice of you to take the time to make
this delicious meal for me.

A : It was so nice of you to take the time to show me the town.
B : Glad you enjoy it.
A : Oh, look at the time. Time for dinner on me.
B : Oh, you don't need to do that.
A : My pleasure.

*** Say It ***
That's too much.
12/28 ラジオ英会話
At the Outlet Mall

A : It only took 45 minutes to get here. We made good time.
B : Nothing is open.
A : Stores don't open until 11. We have some time to kill.
B : We can take a look around.
A : The food court is open.
B : Perfect. Let's grab some breakfast.
A : Hold on a sec. Let me run to the ladies' room.
B : Take your time.

*** Apply It ***
We have some time to kill.

A : We made good time.
B : It's 9:30.
A : The garden doesn't open until 10. We have some time to kill.
B : We can have coffee or something at that coffee shop.
A : Good idea.

*** Say It ***
Let's grab some breakfast.

12/27 ラジオ英会話
今月のテーマ  On Time
Week1  Time and Everyday Life
Sleep Deprived Mom

D : How's life as a new mom, Noriko?
N : It has its ups and downs.
D : Is Kai sleeping through the night?
N : No. He wakes up every hour on the dot and cries.
  It's like clockwork.
D : He could be teething.
N : Maybe.
  Uh-oh, he's up.
D : I'll sing him a lullaby.
N : David, you put him to sleep.
D : He's as tired as you.

*** Apply It ***
It's like clockwork.

A : How's Manabu doing?
B : He studies English three hours every day.
  It's like clockwork.
A : He could get in.
B : Maybe.
12/15 ラジオ英会話
Money Is No Object?

J : I'm in desperate need of a Christmas present for my wife.
M : You got here just in time.
J : That's good news.
M : Nothing is better than a diamond watch like this for a Christmas present.
J : It's pretty pricey.
M : I'll give you a special deal.
J : Give me a minute. I've got to think.
M : We're closing soon.
J : I'll take it.

*** Apply It ***
I'll give you a special deal.

A : I'll give you a special deal.
B : I've got to think. I'll be back tomorrow.
A : The sale is over today.
B : I'll take it.
A : Good.

*** Say It ***
I'm in desperate need of a Christmas present for my wife.

12/14 ラジオ英会話
At the Florist's

J : Hi. I know it's getting late, but I have to find a Christmas present for my wife.
F : Our Christmas arrangements are sold out.
J : You've got to be kidding!
  What about your potted plants?
F : All gone.
  Today is our busiest day next to Valentine's Day.
J : I can't go home empty-handed.
  Have you got any ideas?
F : There's a watch shop next door.
J : Oh, thanks.

*** Apply It ***
I know it's getting late, but...

A : Hi. I know it's getting late, but can you make a pack of tuna nigiri?
B : Tuna is sold out.
A : What about yellow tail?
B : All gone.
A : Oh...

*** Say It ***
What about your potted plants?
12/13 ラジオ英会話
今月のテーマ  John and Mary's Christmas Spirit
Week3  Christmas Shopping

J : This can't be happening to me!
S : I see you've got a broken vase.
J : Silly me. It slipped right out of my hands.
  Can you give me a refund?
S : Usually we can, but your vase was a sale item.
  All sale items are final and can't be returned.
J : It wasn't wrapped very well.
  I'm getting a raw deal.
S : I'm so sorry, sir.

*** Apply It ***
I'm getting a raw deal.

A : Can you give me a refund?
B : Sorry, sir, but we can't if you don't have a receipt for the item.
A : But it has your name on the bag.
  I'm getting a raw deal.
A : One moment, please. I'll talk to the manager.
B : Thanks.

*** Say It ***
This can't be happening to me.
12/9 ラジオ英会話
Bad Dog Whining

J : Pookie, quiet. All this whining is getting to me.
M : Pookie!
J : What have we here?
M : Misty got under the covers.
J : This is going to be a long night.
M : She's purring now.
J : Perfect.
M : We'll get a laugh out of this someday.
J : I'm beat. I need to get some sleep.
M : Sleep tight.
J : Night.

*** Apply It ***
We'll get a laugh out of this someday.

A : This is going to be a long night.
B : Ron is sleeping now.
A : Finally.
B : We'll get a laugh out of this someday.

*** Say It ***
This is going to be a long night.
12/8 ラジオ英会話
Pookie Goes Ballistic

J : I'm home.
M : Pookie. Bad dog. Get away from Misty.
J : He's chased her up the Christmas tree.
M : The tree is going to fall over. Do something.
J : I'll get her down.
  Ouch! I got scratched.
M : Oh, dear. She drew blood.
J : Why is Misty here in the first place?
M : We're pet sitting for a few days.
J : This is getting out of hand.

*** Apply It ***
This is getting out of hand.

A : Oh, dear, Ron broke your wine glass.
B : Why is Ron here in the first place?
A : We're pet sitting for a few days.
B : This is getting out of hand.
A : Don't go ballistic.

*** Say It ***
I'm home.
12/7 ラジオ英会話
Looking After Misty

M : Oh. You gave me a scare.
C : You need to get your doorbell fixed.
  It doesn't ring.
M : Oh.
C : I got myself in a bind.
  I'm taking a flight to Vancouver to see the grandkids today.
M : And... you want us to look after Misty?
C : If you could. Sorry about the short notice.
M : Don't give it a second thought.
C : Thanks. I'd better get going.

*** Apply It ***
I got myself in a bind.

A : I got myself in a bind.
  I'm taking a flight to Fukuoka to see my parents today.
B : And... you want me to look after Ron?
A : If you could. Sorry about the short notice.
B : Don't give it a second thought.
A : Thanks.

*** Say It ***
You need to get your doorbell fixed.
12/6 ラジオ英会話
今月のテーマ  John and Mary's Christmas Spirit
Week2  The Weekend before Christmas (continued)
A Tension Headache?

J : I can't seem to get rid of this headache.
M : Have a sip of my camomile tea.
J : I don't want to give you my cold, but thanks anyway.
M : It might only be a tension headache.
J : That's not likely. I've got the sniffles, too.
M : Bless you.
J : Thanks.
  Pookie. Want to get some fresh air?
M : It's freezing out. Wear something warm.

*** Apply It ***
I can't seem to get rid of this headache.

A : I can't seem to get rid of this cough.
B : Have a sip of my yuzu tea.
A : I don't want to give you my cold, but thanks anyway.
B : I hope you feel better.
A : Thanks.

*** Say It ***
Bless you.

12/2 ラジオ英会話
The Shovel Is Too Small

J : I could use a better shovel.
  I'm getting nowhere.
M : That shovel is too small.
J : Exactly. My back is killing me.
  Pookie! Get out of the way.
M : John!
J : I hurt my tailbone.
M : Give me your hand, I'll pull you up.
J : My fingers are numb.
M : It's time to go inside and get warmed up.
  You don't want to get frostbite.

*** Apply It ***
I'm getting nowhere.

A : How's it going?
B : I could use a better wheelbarrow.
  I'm getting nowhere.
A : That wheelbarrow is too big.
B : Exactly. My back is killing me.
A : It's time to take a break.

*** Say It ***
I hurt my tailbone.

12/1 ラジオ英会話
Mary Admires John's Work

M : How's it going?
J : I'm getting there. What do you think?
  Give me your honest opinion.
M : It'll look awesome when it gets dark.
  Where's Chuck?
J : He's taking a nap.
M : Bless him.
  I'm going to clear the snow off his driveway.
J : I'll do that.
M : I'm happy to do it.
J : I insist.
M : Okay, if you insist.

*** Apply It ***
Give me your honest opinion.

A : How's it going?
B : I'm getting there. What do you think?
  Give me your honest opinion.
A : It'll look great. I like it.
B : Thanks.
A : You bet.

*** Say It ***
I'm happy to do it.
11/30 ラジオ英会話
Christmas Lights

C : I'm not as strong as I used to be.
J : If you need a helping hand, give me a ring.
C : Thanks. I'll take you up on that.
  Oh, Pookie just wriggled out of his collar.
J : He's an escape artist.
C : He's tangled up in the Christmas lights.
J : He's always getting into everything.
C : He's just having fun. Aren't you, boy!

*** Apply It ***
If you need a helping hand, give me a ring.

A : I'm not feeling 100%.
B : If you need a helping hand, give me a ring.
A : Thanks. I'll take you up on that.
B : Fine.

*** Say It ***
He's an escape artist.
11/29 ラジオ英会話
今月のテーマ  John and Mary's Christmas Spirit
Week1  The Weekend before Christmas
A Special Treat

J : I've got a special treat for you.
M : Yum! Hot chocolate! Thanks.
J : We may have a white Christmas this year.
  Look at it snow.
M : Oh, my! What's Chuck up to?
J : He's putting up Christmas lights.
M : He's getting on in years. That's a big undertaking for someone his age.
J : I could give him a hand.
M : Oh, you're a sweetheart.

*** Apply It ***
He's getting on in years.

A : What's Azuma-san up to?
B : He's shoveling snow.
A : He's getting on in years. That's a big undertaking for someone his age.
B : I could give him a hand.
A : Oh, you're a sweetheart.

*** Say It ***
Yum! Hot chocolate!
11/18 ラジオ英会話
The Windfall

R : At last!
T : Aren't you going to read it?
R : I can't. My hands are shaking.
T : Allow me.
  "D.W. Steele bequeath his entire estate to Ruth Steele."
R : What a difference this makes!
T : Well, I can imagine.
  What do you plan to do with this windfall?
R : I'm going grad school.
T : Really? What will you be studying?
R : Forensic science.

*** Apply It ***
What a difference this makes!

A : You hit the jackpot!
B : What a difference this makes!
A : What do you plan to do with this windfall?
B : I'm going to buy a forest.
A : Wow!

*** Say It ***
What will you be studying?

I'm hurrying.

11/17 ラジオ英会話
The Vault

R : Don't look now, but Helen is here.
T : Take my arm and keep walking.
R : She's going to cause a big scene.
T : Let her.
  We've got a court order allowing us entry to your father's safe-deposit box.
H : Hey! Stop those crooks.
T : Excuse me.
B : Yes, sir.
T : Could you have security escort that woman out?
B : Certainly.
H : I'll sue you for this!

*** Apply It ***
Let her.

A : Don't look now, but Pookie is here.
B : Just keep walking.
A : He's going to come chasing us.
B : Let him. He can't come into building.
A : Here he comes.

*** Say It ***
11/16 ラジオ英会話
The Tin Box

R : The lid is stuck. Can you pry it open?
T : I bet you anything this is a key to safe-deposit box.
R : It's a key all right.
T : What did I tell you?
  And here's an envelope address to "My Dear Ruth."
R : That's my dad's handwriting.
T : What does it say?
R : Trumansburg Bank.
T : All your troubles will soon be over.

*** Apply It ***
All your troubles will soon be over.

A : I've got an e-mail from my dad.
B : What does he say?
A : We'll be sending you all of money you need.
B : All your troubles will soon be over.

11/15 ラジオ英会話
今月のテーマ  The Mystery of the Hidden Will
Week1  Solving the Mystery
The Guardian Angel

R : My father said this statue was my mother's angel.
T : What else did he say?
R : I remember wanting to sit on the angel's lap, but he wouldn't let me.
T : Any special reason?
R : He said that the statue could tip over.
T : Just as I thought!
  Ruth, get a shovel.
R : What for?
T : Where there's a will, there's an angel.
R : You mean the will is...

*** Apply It ***
Just as I thought.

A : He said to keep the elf statue in the garden through the year.
B : Just as I thought! Katie, get a shovel.
A : What for?
B : The key is buried under there.
A : You think so?

11/11 ラジオ英会話
Unexpected Visitor

E : Ruth! I didn't recognize the car.
R : How've you been, Ed?
E : Can't complain. How are things with you?
R : Life has been difficult. Things will get better.
E : You just missed that old battle-ax.
  I knew she was a gold digger the minute I saw her.
R : Helen was here?
E : Yep. She loaded up her car with luggage and left in a hurry.

*** Apply It ***
Life has been difficult.

A : Hi! I didn't recognize you.
B : How've you been, Jeff.
A : Can't complain. How are things with you?
B : Life has been good.
A : That's great.

*** Listen For It ***
A : Hey, everyone. Wanna party?
P : Yeah!
A : Get all your party supplies at Party Now and save big.
P : Yeah!
B : What's on sale for birthday parties?
A : Birthday party favors, candles, balloons, pinatas, paper plates and cups are all 25% off this week.
C : I've been invited to a costume party, but I don't have anything to wear.
A : Party Now has a wonderful array of costumes for men.
  Pirate, king, Viking warrior and samurai costumes, all are on sale for just $19.99.
D : Are there any discounted Thanksgiving party supplies on sale?
A : You betcha! All Thanksgiving decorations are 50% off.
P : Wow!
A : We're open every day except National Holidays from 9 to 9.
  Come and join the party now at Party Now.
P : Yeah!
11/10 ラジオ英会話

T : Does this mean anything to you?
R : "Thru danger astute." That doesn't ring a bell.
T : "Thru" is an anagram for Ruth.
R : You may be onto something there.
T : Could "danger" be "garden"?
R : I got it!
  "Astute" is "statue". There's a statue in the garden.
T : Shh. I heard a car pull up.
R : Oh, no. Helen is the last person I want to see.

*** Apply It ***
Does this mean anything to you?

A : Does this mean anything to you?
B : "Radium came." That doesn't ring a bell.
B : It's an anagram for Madame Curie.
A : You may be onto something there.

11/9 ラジオ英会話
The Journal

R : Funny. My key doesn't work.
T : I smell a rat.
  Stand back. I'll pick the lock.
R : How did you do that?
T : I can't reveal secrets of the trade.
  Where's your father's office?
R : This way.
  Dad left his journal under his nameplate.
T : The plot thickens.
R : I'm sure Helen went through it with a fine-toothed comb.
T : Not so fast.
  She didn't see this.

*** Apply It ***
I smell a rat.

A : They say my brother's hurt and needs some money.
B : I smell a rat. Don't send them any money.
A : Okay. I'll call my brother.
B : Good. Let me talk to them.
A : Great.
11/8 ラジオ英会話
今月のテーマ  The Mystery of the Hidden Will
Week2  At the Steele Estate
Ruth's Childhood Home

R : Here we are. Home, sweet home.
T : I see newly installed surveillance cameras.
R : That's weird.
T : We wouldn't want to get arrested for trespassing.
R : I told Helen I was coming by. And I have my key.
T : Okay, that's a different story.
  Ruth? What are you waiting for?
R : Sorry. This place brings back fond memories.
T : Here's a hanky.
R : Thanks, Tom.

*** Apply It ***
That's a different story.

A : It looks like she's not home. And look, the door is open.
B : We wouldn't want to get arrested for trespassing.
A : I told her I was coming by.
B : Okay, that's a different story.
11/4 ラジオ英会話
A Clue

T : What makes you think there's another will?
R : Helen would never leave us alone together.
  She watched us like a hawk.
T : Go on.
R : One day, my father picked up his "D.W. Steele" desk nameplate.
T : And?
R : He pointed to the "W" and said, "Look for this." Then he winked at me.
T : What does the "W" stand for?
R : William. Will for short.

*** Apply It ***
What makes you think there's another will?

A : What makes you think there's another person behind it?
B : Helen couldn't have done everything alone.
A : Go on.
B : One day, I saw her talking to our gardener in a cafe.
11/3 ラジオ英会話
The Stepmother

R : To make a long story short, I've been excluded from my father's will.
T : How can that be?
R : Helen took over all his affairs.She insisted he leave everything to her.
T : And he complied?
R : Yes. He was quite ill at the time.
T : Have you consulted a lawyer?
R : Not yet. First, I'd like you to help me find my father's missing will.

*** Apply It ***
Have you consulted a lawyer?

A : My uncle took over all my mother's business.
  He insisted she leave everything to him.
B : And she complied?
A : Yes. She was quite ill at the time.
B : Have you consulted a lawyer?
A : Not yet. First help me find the missing will.
B : Right.
11/2 ラジオ英会話
Ruth, the Heir Apparent

T : Miss Steele, do you have siblings?
R : Please call me Ruth.
T : Okay. I go by Tom.
R : Where were we?
T : Your family.
R : Right. I'm an only child. I lost my mother when I was 10.
T : Did your father remarry?
R : Yes. Two years ago. That's when the trouble began.
T : What trouble?
R : Helen, my stepmother, accused me of stealing things from her.

*** Apply It ***
Where were we?

A : Please call me Katie, Mr. Manning.
B : Okay. I go by Jeff.
A : Where were we?
B : How you love RadioEikaiwa.
A : Right. I'm a daily listener.
11/1 ラジオ英会話
今月のテーマ  The Mystery of the Hidden Will
Week1  Ruth's Predicament
Visiting a Private Eye

R : Mr. Jytes? Ruth Steele.
T : It's a pleasure. What brings you here today?
R : It's a long story.
T : Let's start from the beginning.
R : Okay. My father passed away recently.
T : I'm sorry for your loss.
R : Thank you. I miss him.
T : Was your father D.W. Steele?
R : Yes. Did you know him?
T : I knew of him. He was a great philanthropist.

*** Apply It ***
What brings you here today?

A : Hello. I'm Katie Adler.
B : It's a pleasure. What brings you here today?
A : It's a complicated story.
B : Let's start from the beginning.
A : Okay. Good idea.

10/18 ラジオ英会話
Special Week News Listening

*** Part-1 ***
A 94-year-old woman from California has achieved her long-time dream.
Hazel Soares attended a commencement ceremony at Mills College in Oakland, California to receive her diploma in art history.
She graduated from high school in 1932, but abandoned her plan to go to college because of the Great Depression.
But she never gave up her dream of studying for a degree while she worked as a nurse and raised six children.
Soares said at the ceremony that she was able to finish college thanks to her family's support and that she's happy to get her degree at last.
One of her daughters who attended the ceremony said her family is really proud of Soares, who hopes to use her new degree work at a museum.

Q1. How old is this recent graduate?
 A. She is 94 years old.
Q2. What made her abandon her plan to go to college in 1932?
 A. The Great Depression.
Q3. What did she have to do while she worked as a nurse?
 A. She had to raise six children.
Q4. What did she major in in college?
 A. She majored in art history.
Q5. What does she hope to do in the future?
 A. She hopes to work at a museum.

*** Part-2 ***
Tokyo's Ueno Zoo will welcome a pair of giant pandas next year.
It has been without a panda since April 2008, when a male named Ling Ling died.
Ueno Zoo, operated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government was first presented with a pair of giant pandas from China in 1972 as a gift to celebrate the normalization of diplomatic ties between the nations.
The zoo was subsequently home to giant pandas for 36 years in a row.
The Tokyo Government will conclude an official agreement with China in June for the lease of the pandas.
Tokyo will pay about one million dollars per year and plans to borrow the animals for 10 years.
Tokyo Government officials say they hope the arrival of the popular animals will attract more people to Ueno Zoo, as the number of visitors has been declining recently.

Q1. What is Ueno Zoo welcoming in 2011?
 A. It is welcoming a pair of giant pandas.
Q2. How long has Ueno Zoo been without a panda?
 A. Since 2008, when Ling Ling died.
Q3. Why was Ueno Zoo first presented with giant pandas from China?
 A. To celebrate the normalization of diplomatic ties between Japan and China.
Q4. How long and how much will the Tokyo Government lease the pandas?
 A. It will lease them for a million dollars per year for 10 years.
Q5. What does the Tokyo Government hope to see happen?
 A. They hope the popular animals will attract more people to Ueno Zoo.


10/14 ラジオ英会話
On a Roll

C : Hello, Mr. Doe. Where's Pookie?
J : Pookie is out with Mary.
C : Oh. What happened to your ankle?
J : I sprained it.
C : Sorry to hear that. Remember the raffle tickets that you bought from me?
J : How could I forget.
C : You won the first prize.
J : No way!
C : You won a free trip to Niagara Falls.
J : You just made my day.

*** Apply It ***
You just made my day.

A : You won a new eco-car.
B : No way!
A : And a free weeklong trip to wherever you want to go inside the country.
B : You just made my day.

*** Say It ***
What happened to your ankle?

uncle's ankle


10/13 ラジオ英会話
John's Injury

M : What did the doctor say?
J : It's just a sprained ankle.
M : Thank goodness.
J : I'll have to stay off it for the next couple of days.
M : Before you know it, you'll be back on your mountain bike.
J : I don't know if mountain bike racing is for me anymore.
M : Really?
J : I'd like to try something less risky, like swimming.
M : I'm with you there.

*** Apply It ***
I'll have to say off it for the next couple of days.

A : What did the doctor say?
B : It's just a sprained wrist.
A : Thank goodness.
B : I'll have to stay off it for the next couple of days.
A : Well, feel better.
B : Thanks.

*** Say It ***
I don't know if mountain bike racing is for me anymore.

10/12 ラジオ英会話
John Comes in Last

M : John, you're limping badly.
J : I was in the lead most of the way.
M : Where's your bike?
J : It's in a gully somewhere. I ended up falling on some rocks.
M : Oh, no.
J : Well, you can't win them all.
M : There's always a next time.
J : Mary, that's what I love about you. You're so positive.
M : You think so?
J : I know so.

*** Apply It ***
Well, you can't win them all.

A : How was the road test?
B : I didn't pass.
A : Oh.
B : Well, you can't win them all.
A : There's always a next time.
B : Thanks.

*** Say It ***
I know so.

Row, row, row your boat.

10/11 ラジオ英会話
今月のテーマ  Winning and Losing
Week3  The Bike Race
John's First Bike Race

J : It looks like I'm up against some stiff competition.
M : Remember, slow and steady wins the race.
J : Not me. I'm out to win!
M : John, please don't overdo it.
J : Mary, have faith in me. I can do this.
M : Promise me you'll be careful.
J : I promise. Pick me up in an hour at the finish line.
M : Okay, sweetheart. Good luck.

*** Apply It ***
I'm out to win!

go all out to
I'm out to have a good time.

A : Remember, everybody is a winner.
B : Not me. I'm out to win.
A : Please don't overdo it.
B : Have faith in me. I can do this.
A : You're right. Good luck.
B : Thanks.

*** Say It ***

10/7 ラジオ英会話
Looking on the Bright Side

M : That's not so bad.
  It could have been worse.
J : I should've come straight home.
M : What's done is done.
  Hey! I've got a good name for your truck.
J : What is it?
M : Lucky Streak.
J : Because of the white streak of paint from the accident?
M : That, and because it's lucky no one was seriously injured.
J : Okay, let's call it Lucky for short.

*** Apply It ***
What's done is done.

A : How is it?
B : Not so bad. It could have been worse.
A : I should've brought it here sooner.
B : What's done is done.

*** Say It ***
Let's call it Lucky for short.


10/6 ラジオ英会話
An Unfortunate Incident

J : This man ran a red light and sideswiped my truck.
M : What?
J : If I hadn't swerved, it would have been a head-on collision.
M : Are you hurt?
J : No, but I'm feeling pretty low right now.
M : It wasn't your fault.
J : I know, but just the same.  Anyway, the police are writing up a report now.
  I'll be home shortly.
M : Okay. Drive safely.

*** Apply It ***
I'm feeling pretty low right now.

A : Are you hurt?
B : No, but I'm feeling pretty low right now.
A : It was his fault.
B : I know, but just the same.
A : Maybe some ice cream would cheer you up.

*** Say It ***
The police are writing up a report now.

*** Listen For It ***
Q. What will the first 100 people who come to the shop get?
A. Free watches.


10/5 ラジオ英会話
The Winner

J : Mary, I've been searching all over for you.
M : Where have you been? You just disappeared.
J : I had to go claim my prize. They drew my name.
M : You lost me. Come again?
J : I won the red pickup I was talking about.
M : You're pulling my leg.
J : No, I'm not. Here's the title to the truck.
M : John! That's spectacular!

*** Apply It ***
You lost me.

A : I had to go claim my prize. They picked my bowl!
B : You lost me. Come again?
A : I got the first prize for my ceramic bowl.
B : You're pulling my leg.
A : No. It's true!
B : Oh, congratulations!
A : Thanks.

*** Say It ***
Here's the title to the truck.

the tie

10/4 ラジオ英会話
今月のテーマ  Winning and Losing
Week2  The Big Used Car Sale
In Hopes to Win a New Car

M : John, didn't you want to go to the used car sale?
J : Thanks for reminding me.  I lost track of time.
M : We'd better get a move on.
J : Hold on. I need to fill out my entry form for the drawing.
M : You might hit the jackpot.
J : That'd be nice.   I have my eye on that shiny red pickup they have on display.

*** Apply It ***
You might hit the jackpot.

A : We'd better get a move on.
B : Hold on. I'll try this slot machine for the last time.
A : You might hit the jackpot.
B : That'd be nice.
  Oh, look!
A : Wow!
B : We're rich!

*** Say It ***
I lost track of time.

9/30 ラジオ英会話
Pookie Goes to School

J : We're home.
M : How did it go?
J : Pookie went through a dog agility training course, and he loved it.
M : What's that all about?
J : It helps dogs relieve stress.
M : I can see the change already.
J : Watch this.
  Pookie, do you want to put on your leash?
M : Why, he's wagging his tail!
J : See? He's being very cooperative. It's a miracle!

*** Apply It ***
I can see the change already.

A : I went through a speed and agility training course, and I loved it.
B : What's that all about?
A : It helps you run faster.
B : I can see the change already.
A : Yeah? Okay.
9/29 ラジオ英会話
Pookie's Territorial Barking

J : Pookie won't obey my commands.
M : You're not the only one.
  I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle.
J : We need to do something about it.
  Things are getting out of hand.
M : Dog obedience school might be the answer.
J : Now, that's a thought.
M : We have to show him who's in charge.
J : Okay, let's put Pookie in school.

*** Apply It ***
I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle.

A : I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle.
B : We need to do something about it.
A : Cat obedience school might be the answer.
B : Do you really think so?
A : No...
B : Me, neither.
9/28 ラジオ英会話
Cody's Quota

M : Cody! You've skinned your arm.
C : It's nothing really.
M : I'll get the first aid kit.
J : Cody, how many raffle tickets do you need to sell to reach your quota?
C : 25.
J : Tell you what, I'll buy the whole lot.
C : Really?
J : Sure. I'll be donating to a good cause and you can go home and rest.
  It's a win-win situation.
C : Sweet!

*** Words & Expressions***
□ Tell you what  こうしよう〔カジュアルな提案表現〕

*** Apply It ***
It's a win-win situation.

A : You can have my sofa.
B : Great! You'll be getting rid of it and I can sit on it and watch TV.
A : Yes. It's a win-win situation.
B : Sweet!
9/27 ラジオ英会話
今月のテーマ  Winning and Losing
Week1  The Pookie Problem
Raffle Tickets

C : Mr. Doe, would you be interested in buying some raffle tickets?
  You could win a free trip to Niagara Falls.
J : Well, what have I got to lose?
  I'll take 5 tickets.
C : Gee, thanks.
J : Step inside for a minute.
  Pookie, stay.
C : Ah!
J : Cody, did you hurt yourself?
C : No. I just lost my balance.
J : Mary, Cody fell down the front steps.

*** Words & Expressions***
□ raffle  ラッフル
□ what have I got to lose? 駄目もとですから。失うものはありませんから。

*** Apply It ***
Well, what have I got to lose?

A : You could win a free trip to Las Vegas.
B : Well, what have I got to lose?
  I'll take 10 tickets.
A : Oh, thanks.
B : Step inside for a minute.
A : I hope you win.
B : Me, too.

9/16 ラジオ英会話
60-year-old Birthday Boy

W : I'd like to make a toast to Steven.
  Steven, congratulations on your 60th birthday!
M : Happy birthday!
  Steven. Steven. Speech.
S : As they say, "men are like wine." The best improve with age.
W : Well put! Remember you're only as old as you feel.
S : Anyway, there are a lot of familiar faces tonight.
  I just wish I could remember your names.
  Here's to good friends. Cheers.

*** Apply It ***
Well put!

A : Jeff. Speech.
B : As they say: Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
A : Well put!
B : Thank you.

*** Use It ***
You're only as old as you feel.

You're only as young as you feel.
9/15 ラジオ英会話
Two Thumbs Up

J : Congratulations, Mia. You stole the show.
M : Thanks for coming. It means a lot to me.
J : Here's a little something for you.
M : I love roses. You sholdn't have.
J : How did you find the time to rehearse?
M : It was a challenge, but I loved every minute of it.
J : I'm so proud of you. You were brilliant.
M : Uncle Jim, you're too kind.

*** Apply It ***
You stole the show.

A : Congratulations, Katie. You stole the show.
B : Thanks for coming. It means a lot to me.
A : Here's a little something for you.
B : I love red roses. You shouldn't have.
A : Uh, it's nothing.
9/13 ラジオ英会話
今月のテーマ  Critiquing, Praising and Congratulating
Week3  Congratulating
Wedding Bells Are Ringing

D : Abby, I wanted you to know that Kikuko and I are going to tie the knot.
A : Congratulations, Derek. I'm so happy for you.
D : Thanks.
A : Have you set a date?
D : We're looking at March.
A : Mom and Dad must be thrilled beyond words.
D : They don't know yet.
A : Oh?
D : I want them to meet Kikuko first.
A : Okay. Mum's the word!

*** Apply It ***
Mum's the word!

A : My parents don't know about our decision yet.
B : Oh?
A : I want them to meet my fiancee first.
B : Okay. Mum's the word.
A : Thanks.
9/9 ラジオ英会話
Charlie the Angel?

M : Hey, Blake! Over here.
B : Maki. Hi. I didn't see you.
M : Charlie, here, boy. Heel.
B : You have a remarkable dog.
M : Thanks. He's very outgoing.
B : He's really well-trained.
M : He's got a sweet disposition.
B : Oh, he's playful.
  Um, he won't let go of my shirt.
M : Charlie, be nice.
B : I'd better get going. Keep up the good work.

*** Apply It ***
He's got a sweet disposition.

A : You have a remarkable dog.
B : Thanks. He's very friendly.
A : He's really well-trained.
B : He's got a sunny disposition.
A : I can tell.

9/2 ラジオ英会話
Mom's Home-cooked Food

M : You haven't touched a thing.
W : This food doesn't agree with me.
M : Your mom is an excellent cook. The potato salad is tasty.
W : It has eggs in it.
M : Sometimes you have to make an exception.
  Try the salmon. It's not so bad.
W : Not me. Once a vegan, always a vegan.
M : May I ask why you're eating cookies?
W : Because I'm starving.

*** Apply It ***
May I ask why you're eating cookies?

A : Try the tuna. It's pretty good.
B : Not me. Once a vegan, always a vegan.
A : May I ask why you're eating cookies?
B : Because I'm starving.

*** Use It ***
It has eggs in it.
9/1 ラジオ英会話
Constructive Criticism

R : Allison, you're next.
A : Professor Richmond, sorry I couldn't finish my essay.
R : Well, I like what you've done so far.
A : Do you have any pointers for me?
R : To be honest, you could do so much better.
  Work on developing your ideas.
A : Gosh, I wouldn't know where to begin.
R : I underlined the parts that are questionable.
A : Okay. Thanks for your feedback.

*** Apply It ***
Do you have any pointers for me?

A : I'm sorry I couldn't finish my painting.
B : Well, I like what you've done so far.
A : Do you have any pointers for me?
B : To be honest, you could do so much better.
A : Okay. Thanks for your feedback.

*** Use It ***
Thanks for your feedback.

8/31 ラジオ英会話
A Catastrophe

K : The paint is dry, Tiffany!
T : How did it turn out, Kyle?
K : The walls are yellow instead of white.
T : This will not do!
K : What is this color called?
T : Catastrophe.
  No, no. It's radiant white.
K : Let's just repaint everything.
T : What color?
K : It's your call.
T : I prefer just white.
K : Let's make sure we get it right this time.

*** Apply It ***
This will not do!

A : The cake is done.
B : How did it turn out, Jeff?
A : It didn't rise much.
B : This will not do!
A : It probably still tastes good.
B : I hope so.

*** Use It ***
The paint is dry.
8/30 ラジオ英会話
今月のテーマ  Critiquing, Praising and Congratulating
Week1  Critiquing
The Driving Lesson

J : Overall, you did well, Shawn.
S : Thanks, Jenna.
J : However, there are a couple of things I'd like to point out.
S : Okay.
J : You don't come to a complete stop at stop signs.
S : I wasn't aware of that.
J : And remember to keep your eyes on the road at all times.
S : Point taken.
J : Good luck tomorrow.
S : Thanks, I'll need it.

*** Apply It ***
Overall, you did well.

A : Overall, you did well, Jeff.
B : Thanks.
A : However, there is one thing I'd like to point out.
B : Okay.
A : Now don't take this badly.
B : I won't.

*** Use It ***
I wasn't aware of that.

8/19 ラジオ英会話

M : There's a storm up ahead.
R : Megan! Do you see what I see? There's a twister!
M : Quick! Get my camera!
R : It's touching down!
M : Let's record it.
R : Are you kidding? It's coming our way!
M : You're right. This is too close for comfort.
R : Turn the car around!
M : Okay. Hang on tight, Ryan!
R : Whew! That was a close one.

*** Apply It ***
There's a storm up ahead.

A : There's some animal up ahead.
B : Do you see what I see? There's a huge wild boar!
A : Quick! Get my camera.
B : It's coming our way!

*** Use It ***
This is too close for comfort.

That was close.
8/18 ラジオ英会話
Spring Thaw

N : That about does it.
  There aren't any more sandbags left.
S : The river is supposed to crest anytime now!
N : Look. The water is rising fast.
S : Nicholas, get away from there.
N : Now water is flowing over the bridge.
S : Can we go now?
N : Come on, Stephanie. Let's stick around a little longer.
S : Nicholas, use your common sense!
  It's time to evacuate!

*** Apply It ***
It's time to evacuate.

A : Now water is flowing over the banks.
B : We need to go now.
A : Let's stick around a little longer.
B : Jeff, it's time to evacuate!
A : Oh, all right.

*** Use It ***
That about does it.

That does it.
That just about does it.
That's about it for today.
8/17 ラジオ英会話
Thunderstorm on the Green

D : There's bad weather coming our way.
S : The weather forecast didn't predict rain last night.
D : I see lightning off in the distance.
  It's getting closer.
S : It's starting to hail.
  Let's wait it out under that pine tree.
D : Nothing doing!
S : Daniel, wait for me!
D : Sarah, put your club down and leave your push cart.
S : Okay.
D : Run for it!

*** Apply It ***
There's bad weather coming our way.

A : There's bad weather coming our way.
B : The weather forecast didn't predict it last night.
A : I see rain clouds getting closer.
B : It's starting to pour. Let's go inside the cafe.
A : I'm with you there.

*** Use It ***
Nothing doing!

Certainly not!

8/16 ラジオ英会話
今月のテーマ  Talking about Weather
今週のテーマ  Extreme Weather
Back to Typhoon Status

L : Natsuko! What's going on?
N : Larry, the trains and busses have stopped running.
L : What?
N : Typhoon 13 is about to hit.
L : But didn't it become a tropical depression?
N : It's gained typhoon status again.
L : I'm going back to the office and wait it out.
N : I'm with you there.
L : Let's get out of here.

*** Apply It ***
Typhoon 13 is about to hit.

A : What's going on?
B : All flights have been canceled.
A : What?
B : A big sandstorm is about to hit.
A : Let's get out of here.
B : I agree.

*** Use It ***
I'm with you there.

I agree with you there.
8/5 ラジオ英会話
Gone with the Wind

G : Dan, you can dish out the potato salad on these paper plates.
D : The wind is picking up. We should eat inside.
G : It's too stuffy inside.
  Let's sit outside and enjoy the breeze.
D : Gail, the paper plates are blowing away.
G : Quick! Try to gather up everything!
D : Something flew in my eye.
G : Let's go inside.
  This weather is ridiculous.

*** Apply It ***
The wind is picking up.

A : The wind is picking up. We should go inside.
B : Let's stay outside and enjoy the breeze.
A : The pages are blowing away.
B : Quick! Try to gather up everything.
A : I'll try!
B : Hurry!

*** Use It ***
Try to gather up everything!

Gather up everything!
8/4 ラジオ英会話
Old Man Winter Is Here

S : I'm sitting on a beach sipping a mai tai.
L : Must be nice.
S : How's the weather there, Laura?
L : It's freezing cold. It's been sleeting all night.
  The roads are really icy.
S : Oh.
L : And that's not all. There's a big snowstorm headed our way.
S : Really?
L : I can't wait for spring.
  I've got to go now, Steve.
S : Okay, drive safely.

*** Apply It ***
The roads are really icy.

A : How's the weather there?
B : It's freezing cold. The roads are really icy.
A : Oh.
B : And that's not all. There's a blizzard headed our way.
A : Ooh.

*** Use It ***
Must be nice.

It must be nice.
I envy you.
8/3 ラジオ英会話
Heat Wave

M : How do you like this weather?
W : I wish it would cool down.
  It's too hot and muggy.
M : It's supposed to get up to 36 degrees today.
W : Oh, I can't deal with this heat.
M : Want to go to Suzukaze Ravine?
  We can cool off in a creek down there.
W : That’d be great.
M : Okay, I'll pick you up in an hour.

*** Apply It ***
It's too hot and muggy.

A : How do you like this weather?
B : It's too hot and muggy.
A : It's supposed to get up to 97 degrees today.
B : Oh, I can't deal with this weather.
A : My sentiments exactly.

*** Use It ***
That'd be great.

That'll be great.
8/2 ラジオ英会話
今月のテーマ  Talking about Weather
今週のテーマ  Complaining about the Weather
Rain, Rain, Go Away

M : Back so soon?
A : Yes, the concert was rained out.
M : Wipe your shoes. You're tracking in mud.
A : Sorry. I wish this rain would go away.
M : My sentiments exactly.
A : The bad news is, according to the weather report,
there's another low pressure system moving in tomorrow.
M : Oh, that's just great.

*** Apply It ***
I wish this rain would go away.

A : The tennis match was rained out.
B : That's too bad.
A : I wish this rain would go away.
B : My sentiments exactly.

*** Use It ***
Oh, that's just great.

7/29 ラジオ英会話
Lazy Summer Day

C : What's the weather like, Jessica?
J : Chris, come outside. It's a bright sunny day.
C : You couldn't ask for better weather.
J : It's a perfect day for a barbecue. I started up the grill.
C : Good thinking.
J : How about a bike ride later?
C : You know what? I'd rather just sit outside and soak up the sun.

*** Apply It ***
It's a bright sunny day.

A : What's the weather like?
B : It's a bright sunny day.
A : You couldn't ask for better weather.
B : It's a perfect day for a ride.
A : I agree.

*** Use It ***
I'd rather just sit outside and soak up the sun.

I'd rather just sit outside and soak up the scenery.

7/28 ラジオ英会話
Spring Has Sprung

M : Ashley, we should have worn our rain boots.
A : Never mind. The rain is letting up.
  It's only drizzling now.
M : The sun is coming out.
A : It's turning out to be a beautiful day.
M : Spring will be here in no time.
  Look. The daffodils are blooming.
A : Mike! Look out for that puddle!
M : Too late. My shoes are soaked.
A : They'll dry out.

*** Apply It ***
The sun is coming out.

A : We should have brought our umbrellas.
B : Never mind. The rain is letting up.
A : The sun is coming out.
B : It's turning out to be a fine day.
A : I think you're right.

*** Use It ***
Look out for that puddle.

Look out for cars.
Look out for that car.

7/27 ラジオ英会話
Snow Day

A : Brandon, did I wake you?
B : No, I'm up. What' up Amber?
A : It's a snow day!
B : They called off school?
A : Uh-huh. Look out your window.
B : The snow is piling up!
A : The roads are impassable.
B : Yes!
A : A bunch of us are going tobogganing.
  Are you game?
B : Definitely!
A : Bundle up.
B : Gotcha!

*** Apply It ***
The snow is piling up!

A : It's a snow day!
B : The school is closed?
A : Uh-huh. Look out your window.
B : The snow is piling up!
A : Woohoo!
B : Yes!

*** Use It ***
A bunch of us are going tobogganing.

A bunch of us are going to the party at Tom's.
A group of us are going to the party at Tom's.

7/26 ラジオ英会話
今月のテーマ  Talking about Weather
今週のテーマ  Enjoying the Weather
Fall Foliage

E : The air is nice and cool.
G : It's a little chilly out.
E : I'm roasting in this jacket. You can wear it.
G : Thanks, Earl. The leaves are gorgeous.
E : You're telling me. This is a photo opportunity.
  Stand over there, Gloria.
G : Let me take one of you.
  Oops! I cut off your head.
  One more time.

*** Apply It ***
The air is nice and cool.

A : The air is nice and cool.
B : It's a little chilly out.
A : I'm roasting in this windbreaker. You can wear it.
B : Thanks.
A : You're welcome.

*** Use It ***
This is a photo opportunity.

photograph opportunity
photo op

7/15 Staying with Toshiro

E : It's such a treat to see you!
T : Same here.
E : I appreciate you letting me stay with you, Toshiro.
T : My pleasure, Emily.
E : Wow, this straw matting reminds me of a sumurai movie.
  Am I sleeping on the floor?
T : No, the bedding is kept in this closet.
  You'll be sleeping on futon.
E : Got it. Silly question.
T : Not at all.

*** Apply It ***
It's such a treat to see you!

A : It's such a treat to see you!
B : Same here.
A : Thanks for having me.
B : My pleasure.
A : Oh, I brought some dessert.

*** Use It ***
Silly question.

A : That was a silly question.
B : Not in the least.
7/14 The First-time Surfer

B : Surf's up!
W : I didn't know you surfed.
B : I don't, but there's always a first time.
W : Why don't you take a lesson or two to learn the basics?
B : They're asking $175 per lesson. That's way overpriced.
W : Brian, I'd think twice about this if I were you. 
There's no lifeguard on duty.
B : I'll be fine.
W : Don't go out too far.

*** Apply It ***
They're asking $175 per lesson.

A : Why don't you take lessons from a pro?
B : They're asking $100 per lesson.
A : I'd think twice about this if I were you.
  What about sharks?
B : I'll be fine.
A : Well, don't go out too far.

*** Use It ***
I didn't know you surfed.

I didn't know you danced.
I didn't know. You dance.

7/13 Cutting Down on Costs

O : I'm really enjoying myself. We went on a stroll in Central Park.
H : Great.
O : Then we took in the sights on the Staten Island Ferry.
H : Nice.
O : So far my stay hasn't cost me a dime.
H : Terrific.
O : Sophie treated me to lunch and dinner.
H : Lucky you.
O : Well, I don't want to run up the phone bill.
H : Okay, bye, Olivia.

*** Apply It ***
So far my stay hasn't cost me a dime.

A : So far my stay hasn't cost me a yen.
B : Terrific.
A : They treat me to meals and drinks.
B : Lucky you.
A : Got to run.

*** Use It ***
I'm really enjoying myself.

I enjoyed myself at the club.
Are you enjoying yourself?
I'm enjoying myself.

A : Are you enjoying yourself, Mr. Wilde?
W : Of course, what else is there to enjoy?

7/12 ラジオ英会話
今月のテーマ  The Frugal Travelers
今週のテーマ  Vacations on a Shoestring
A Penny Pincher and a Spendthrift

W : Let's order room service. I'll have a hamburger.
H : It's $40 for crying out loud!
W : But it's charbroiled.
H : That comes to a whopping 50 bucks if you add tax and a tip.
W : What do you propose we do?
H : Let's see.
W : I'm starving.
H : I'll split the hamburger with you.
W : Then I'll order a side of salad.
H : Fair enough.

*** Apply It ***
I'll split the hamburger with you.

A : I'm starving.
B : I'll split the pizza with you.
A : Then I'll order a side of fries.
B : Fair enough.

*** Use It ***
What do you propose we do?

What do you propose she do?

7/8 ラジオ英会話
Road Trip

S : Here's another motel. What does the sign say?
M : It says "vacancy."
S : We're in luck.
M : Sam, let's not stay here. It looks a little seedy.
S : Do you think so?
M : It's pretty run-down.
S : Shall we drive though the night, Marion?
M : Okay. Can we splurge on a hotel room tomorrow?
S : It's a deal.

*** Apply It ***
Can we splurge on a hotel room tomorrow?

A : There's no vacancy.
B : Shall we sleep in the car?
A : Okay. Can we splurge on a hotel room tomorrow?
B : It's a deal.
A : Okay.

*** Use It ***
Here's another motel.

Here's another question.

7/7 ラジオ英会話

T : You're 5 pounds overweight.
M : Just my luck. What's the penalty fee for overweight luggage?
T : $200.
M : I can't afford to pay that kind of money.
T : Put some things in your carry-on bag.
M : I don't have a carry-on bag.
  How about if I carry my hiking boots on the plane?
T : I don't see a problem with that.
M : That's what I'll do.

*** Apply It ***
How about if I carry my hiking boots on the plane?

A : I need the contract with your hanko today.
B : How about if I send it to you by fax?
A : I don't see a problem with that.
B : That's what I'll do.
A : Sounds good.

*** Use It ***
You're 5 pounds overweight.

be X kilos overweight
be overweight by X kilos

You're overweight by 5 pounds.

*** Listen For It ***
Q. Where can you buy Drip Shake 'n' Dry Formula?
A. At Francine's Salon at 212 State Street.

7/6 ラジオ英会話
Too Sick to Fly?

M : Big night on the town last night?
D : It's not that. I'm coming down with something.
  I have the chills.
M : Maybe you should put off leaving until you feel better.
D : I wish. They charge a $300 fee to rebook.
M : Even if you're sick?
D : I have a nonrefundable ticket.
M : Well, I hope you feel better soon, Daiki.
D : Thanks, Melva

*** Apply It ***
Maybe you should put off leaving until you feel better.

A : I have the chills.
B : Maybe you shouldn't go to the rehearsal.
A : I wish. This is the last rehearsal before the concert.
B : Well, keep warm.
A : Thanks.

*** Use It ***
Big night on the town last night?

7/5 ラジオ英会話
今月のテーマ  The Frugal Travelers
今週のテーマ  Departure Day
A Heavy Bag

J : Etsuko, what's in this bag? It weighs a ton.
E : Bodyboards. We can check them for no extra fee.
J : What else have you packed?
E : Wetsuits and snorkel gear.
J : What's the point of lugging all this stuff to Hawaii?
E : Joe, I'm trying to economize.
  This way we don't have to rent anything.
J : I see where you're coming from.

*** Apply It ***
I'm trying to economize.

A : What have you packed?
B : Most of the camping gear.
A : What's the point of lugging all this stuff to Canada?
B : I'm trying to economize.
A : I see where you're coming from.

*** Use It ***
It weighs a ton.

He has tons of ideas.
I have tons of books.
It weighs tons.
7/1 ラジオ英会話
The Price is Right

J : Ark.com. is the cheapest airfare search engine I've come across.
I : Let's give it a whirl.
J : When are you leaving?
I : It's still up in the air.
J : Ichiro, you need to make up your mind before the fares go up.
I : Okay. I'll leave October 12th, and return to October 21st.
J : Look at that. $542 roundtrip on Worldwide Air.
I : Perfect! Thanks, Joan.

*** Apply It ***
It's still up in the air.

A : Ark.com. is the cheapest hotel search engine I've come across.
B : Let's give it a whirl.
A : When are you leaving?
B : It's still up in the air.
A : Oh, you need to make up your mind.

*** Use It ***
You need to make up your mind before the fares go up.

You have to make up your mind before the fares go up.

6/30 ラジオ英会話
More Legroom

C : My pet peeve is sitting behind someone who reclines his seat.
T : That's understandable.
C : Is there any way to upgrade to business class without paying through the nose?
T : How many frequent flier points did you say you had?
C : 15,000.
T : I'm afraid that won't do the trick.
  How about a bulkhead seat?
C : Okay, that's better than nothing.

*** Apply It ***
Okay, that's better than nothing.

A : How many points did you say you scored?
B : 500.
A : I'm afraid that won't get you the rag doll.
  How about a UFO cell phone strap?
B : Okay, that's better than nothing.
A : What color?
B : How about blue?
A : Sure.

*** Use It ***
My pet peeve is sitting behind someone who reclines his seat.

My pet peeve is sitting next to someone who's on the cell phone.

6/29 ラジオ英会話
The Intrepid Traveler

B : I land in Casablanca, and the next day we set off for Marrakech by camel.
A : Will you be able to call me along the way?
B : Overseas telephone charges are sky-high.
A : Blake! How will we stay in touch?
B : I'll send postcards.
A : It'll take forever to get a postcard from such a remote area!
B : Akiko, that's the best I can do.

*** Apply It ***
Overseas telephone charges are sky-high.

A : Will you be able to call me along the way?
B : Overseas telephone charges are sky-high.
A : How will we stay in touch?
B : I'll borrow my friend's computer and call you.
A : That would be great.

*** Use It ***
I land in Casablanca, and the next day we set off for Marrakech by camel.

I land in Tokyo, and the next day we set off for Kyoto by bullet train.
6/28 今月のテーマ  The Frugal Travelers
Itchy Feet

C : So you're going Down Under.
H : How did you know that?
C : Bad news travels fast. We'll miss you.
H : I'll be back.
C : A trip like that must cost a pretty penny.
H : Not really. I'm staying in backpacker hostels.
C : A dear friend of mine lives just outside Sydney.
  I'll give you her number.
H : Cool. I'll look her up.

*** Apply It ***
A trip like that must cost a pretty penny.

A : We'll miss you.
B : I'll be back.
A : A cruise like that must cost a pretty penny.
B : Not really. Actually, I won a lottery and got it.
  It's free.
A : Can I go in your suitcase?

*** Use It ***
So you're going Down Under.
6/17 Columbus Presents His Case

Q : This is a world map?
C : It's the first of its kind.
Q : How odd.
C : This new trade route to Asia will make history.
Q : That's a half-baked idea.
  You and your crew would perish on such a long voyage.
C : I'll set sail with the trade winds at my back.
  That's the beauty of it.
Q : Let me sleep on it.

*** Apply It ***
This new trade route to Asia will make history.

A : This is a car?
B : It's the first of its kind.
A : How odd.
B: This new model will make history.
A : I'll take it.

*** Use It ***
You and your crew would perish on such a long voyage.

You and your crew will perish on such a long voyage.
6/16 Not Out of the Woods Yet

M : The sun is going down.
  Can I see the trail map a second?
W : Be my guest.
M : Let's take the shortcut.
W : That's not on the map. Let's stick to the trail.
M : I know the way.
W : Okay. You lead the way.
M : Hmm, what if we get lost in the dark?
W : On second thought, let's double back and follow the trail.

*** Apply It ***
The sun is going down.

A : The sun is going down.
  Can I see the trail map a second?
B : Be my guest.
A : Let's stick to the trail. We'll be there in no time.
B : Great.

*** Use It ***
What if we get lost in the dark?

6/15 The Wrong Way

H : Take a left at that next signal.
W : Okay.
H : Wait. I meant a right.
W : No can do. I'm in the wrong lane.
H : Pull into that gas station. You can turn around.
W : Too late. I already passed it.
   I'll make a U-turn.
H : Isn't that illegal?
W : You know what? I'm pulling over.
   I want to take a look at that map.

*** Apply It ***
Pull into that gas station.

A : Pull into that gas station. I'll get some water from the store.
B : I'll make a U-turn.
A : Isn't that illegal?
B : No, it's fine.
A : Okay.

*** Use It ***
I'm pulling over.

I'm pulling over. I'll get some water.

6/14 Following a Treasure Map

T : What do you make of this, Jenny?
J : It's all Greek to me, Tommy.
T : It looks like a treasure map.
J : Oh, yeah, you're right.
  The arrows are pointing north towards the window.
T : Let's do some detective work.
J : Something is stuck to the bottom of the windowsill.
T : It's... a collection of baseball cards.
  They might be worth something.
J : Ew! They smell like mildew.

*** Apply It ***
It's all Greek to me.

A : What do you make of this letter.
B : It's all Greek to me.
A : It looks like a love letter to me.
B : Oh, yeah, you're right.
  The arrow is pointing to the heart.

*** Use It ***
They might be worth something.

They may be ?
They should be ?
They must be ?
They are ?

They must be worth something.
6/10 To the Connecting Flight

P : What time is Flight 21 to Elmira scheduled to depart?
TA: It's leaving in 20 minutes at Gate D23.
P : I'm going to miss my flight.
TA: You've got time.
   Take the tram to Concourse D.
P : Which way is the tram.
TA: That way.
P : I don't know if I can make it.
TA: Chances are you can make it. Good luck.

*** Apply It ***
Chances are you can make it.

A : How soon is the train leaving?
B : In 2 minutes.
A : I don't know if I can make it.
B : Chances are you can make it. Good luck.
A : Really? Okay.

*** Use It ***
Take the tram to Concourse D.

Take the shuttle bus to Gate 45.
Have a nice day.
6/9 Turned Around

W : Sir? Could you tell me how to get to Hachiko Crossing?
M : You're on the wrong side of the station.
W : Oh, I really got turned around.
M : Here's what you do: Walk past that ticket wicket,
then go down two flights of stairs.
  Go out of the building, keep walking and you'll see it.
W : Thanks. I appreciate it.

*** Apply It ***
Could you tell me how to get to Hachiko Crossing.

A : Sir? Could you tell me how to get to the Fujimi Museum?
B : You're on the wrong side of town.
A : Oh, I really got turned around.
B : I'm going that way, so I'll walk you there.
A : Thanks. I appreciate it.
B : No problem.

*** Use It ***
Thanks. I appreciate it.

Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.
6/8 Seating Mix-up

M : I believe you're sitting in my seat.
W : My boarding pass says 22B.
M : That's the middle seat. You're sitting in the aisle seat.
W : My mistake. I'm terribly sorry.
M : No worries.
W : I can't believe I did this.
M : It happens to the best of us.
W : Let me move my bag out of the way.
M : No hurry.

*** Apply It ***
It happens to the best of us.

A : My mistake. It's your coffee. I'm terribly sorry.
B : Don't worry about it.
A : I can't believe I did this.
B : It happens to the best of us.
A : Let me get you a new one.

*** Use It ***
I believe you're sitting in my seat.

I believe you're sitting in our seats.
6/7 ラジオ英会話
今月のテーマ  Going in the Right Direction
今週のテーマ  Giving Directions Inside
Closing Time

B : Can you tell me where there's a gift shop?
I : Go up the escalator, turn left and walk to the East Wing.
  The gift shop will be the third store on your left.
B : Thanks.
I : I might add that the mall will be closing shortly.
B : No way! Seriously?
I : We close at 6:30 on Sundays.
B : Whoa! I'd better make tracks.

*** Apply It ***
Can you tell me where there's a gift shop?

A : Can you tell me where there's a health food store?
B : Go down the escalator, turn right.
  The health food store will be on you right.
A : Thanks.
B : I might add that the mall will be closing shortly.
A : Whoa!

*** Use It ***
We close at 6:30 on Sundays.

We close at 6:30 on Saturdays and Sundays.

*** Listen For It ***
Q. What is this commercial about?
A. Pelican State Park.



